Welcome, cub. Yeah, just clear that stack of manuals off of there and have a seat. I was just picking through the latest Pentex earnings report. Wonderful what sorts of things you find floating about on the 'Net, as long as you know what spiders to ask. So you're here for information, eh?

Quit looking over your shoulder--we can speak freely. I've got enough spirits woven into the concrete and copper in my den here that I know whether any unwanted ears are about. Back to the matter at hand.

The news trickling out of Las Vegas recently has me concerned. My own tribe has fallen disturbingly silent, so I've had to turn to secondary sources for my information. Here's the short of it: something big is happening in and around Vegas. If you glance up at the monitor there, you'll see what the simulations have been saying about Umbra energy levels. What? You can't read? What're they teaching these Lupus cubs nowadays? Nevermind. Well, that large, red glob in the lower left hand of the map there means Bad Things. Things like Thunderwyrms rearing their ugly heads and Bane Crows taking wing over the desert. Not to mention renewed infighting among the knuckleheads running the Caerns out there.

The Wendigo are reeking of Wyrm-taint, and the Get are just itching to sink their fangs into the throat of any impure Garou. The Red Talons continue to deny the duality of their nature. They renewed their assault on any creature on two legs, dragging the normally non-confrontational Bone Gnawers into the madness. And of course, behind the scenes lurk the Shadow Lords. The Silent Striders, at least, seem to be drawn by the increase in Wyrm activity, and appear to be genuinely attempting to stop the Wyrm, rather than casting blame on their fellow Garou.

Even the Bete have been getting into the act. The Nuwisha, for instance, are as irreverent and uncouth as all hell, but they know their stuff, and have probably been my best source of information outside of the Gnawers. Unfortunately, even they have grown tight-lipped as of late. Reports have floated back that a Gurahl, and even a Qualmi have been seen in the area. It’s a regular zoo out there.

The archives list the Vegas area as a hotbed of mystical energy for over a century, or at least until that whole Stormeater affair. Even our forebears, the Iron Riders, had a hand in things back then, which makes the silence of my contemporaries all the more enigmatic.

Here, let me get you a list of my contacts. I'll dump this out to the line printer. There. What now? I don't know, fold it up and tuck it in your collar or something, and get one of your packmates to read it to you. Sheesh, at least the elders could have sent somebody with pockets. I'd give you a disk, but you'd just drool on it or something.

Now, get going! And find out where in Malfeas the Glass Walkers are!

Caern of the Screaming Electrons | The Virtual Den of Lurks-Between-Bytes