![]() "Let's fly tonight
In recent years, new Weaver spirits have grown with astonishing rapidity, drawing on the glistening strands of the Internet. Netspiders scamper across the globe-spanning web, turning up shiny nuggets of information for their masters. Some of these tidbits are offered up here for your own perusal.
![]() Those fine companies who work so hard to put out enjoyable ways to waste our time.
General resources for both versions of the Rage CCG
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Garou Nation: Home to Paw Prints, the monthly newletter for Rage. Includes news, combos, art, and the most comprehensive historical FAQ on the game I've seen. |
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Rageinfo Mailing List: A Yahoo "egroups" mailing list, dedicated to both versions of Rage. Azrael folks are known to frequent this list. |
Little Bear's Lore: Hands down, the most useful single site on the web for Rage. Full card spoilers for both flavors of Rage, listed by release, type, artist, and even keywords. Card spotlights and dozens of decks from Little Bear and other top players on the Rage scene. It's even home to the Gurahl homepage. Bookmark this puppy yourself. | |
Wherewolf?: A worldwide player directory. Cry-For-Shadows is still kicking around the mailing list, though the site hasn't been updated in a while. This might be your best shot of finding players until the Azrael player directory comes online. |
Stuff to keep you busy as you build that perfect deck for the FRPG version of Rage.
The Caern of Forgotten Dreams: Our sister site, another collection of Glass Walker resources on the net, run by a sympathetic Stargazer, Angel Whispers-the-Wind. | |
Darkwolf's Longhouse: Gather round the fire and listen to the skalds sing the triumphs of the Get of Fenris as Ragnarok approaches. | |
Official Rage Rulings Archive: The Rage Mailing List rules alpha, Matt Farney, lays down the law. | |
Bawn of the Stone Rivers Sept: Public entry point for visiting the community of the Stone River Sept, a group of Rage and Werewolf enthusiasts. | |
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The Unofficial Official Nuwisha Home Page: A thorough, if irreverent, collection of Rage resources by Kickaha, the were-coyote. If you plan on making your own web page, be sure to check out the Howls. |
Wheel of Ptah: The nexus point for all Rage sites on the Web. |
For those of you "old sk00l" players who prefer the original WW version.
Black Dagger's Rage Page: Home of the WW Rage MegaFAQ, a thorough collection of rulings from the history of the game under WW rule, and hefty enough to choke a mule. | |
The Rage Page: Card lists and rule books from all expansions of the WW Rage days. |
Resources for the shared hallucination that werewolves, vampires, mages and faerie call home.
BJ Zanzibar's World of Darkness: One of the largest archives of World of Darkness fan-submitted materials on the web, covering Werewolf, Vampire, and the other things that go bump in the World of Darkness night. And then some. | |
Ex Libris Nocturnis: An excellent e-zine covering the World of Darkness. Includes reviews, columns, fiction, and discussion boards. | |
Ldy Mox's WoD Graphics Page: A fine collection of graphics for the World of Darkness. Some of the graphics around this Caern originated here. | |
Pentex: Know thy enemy. | |
St. Louis by Night: Learn more about my current home. | |
White Wolf Storytellers Resources: More resources for the World of Darkness gamer. |
[rant on] Alright. Some Garou may be under the impression that because we call the urban landscape home, we don't care for our four-legged family. Nothing could be further from the truth. In particular, I view our Canis lupus lupus kinfolk as one of our most precious and endangered resources. We citydwellers can help out by supporting the organizations that study and help wolves in the wild. Read. Learn. Send money if you are so moved. But don't just sit passively by as wolves continue to be villified by those who don't know better. [rant off]
Timber Wolf Information Network: A collection of information on wolves, specifically packs in Wisconsin and Michigan. Lots of general wolf information as well. It also has an Adopt-a-Pack program. | |
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Wolf Park: A wildlife park in Battle Creek, Indiana, containing a wolf pack and bison. Lots of detail on individual members of the pack, and the beautiful photography of Marty Sloan throughout the site. Adopt a wolf, and arrange for a private photo shoot at the park. |
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The Wolf Sanctuary: The Wild Canid Survival and Research Center in Eureka, Missouri, not far from my own den. This park houses a variety of rare wolves, including Iranian wolves, Mexican grey wolves, and maned wolves. Adopt a wolf programs and other information. |
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