Blast From the Past
Deck Author: Little Bear
Sept Cards: 34"We came together, those of us with the strongest ties to the past. While our Betas cloistered themselves to prepare for the Storm Eater, we planned a preemptive strike against the Spiral pack stalking the streets of Las Vegas in search of the Meeting."
In reviewing this week's card for the Lexicon, I came up with an idea to incorporate all three Past Lives into one deck. It comes together rather well, if I do say so myself. Virus-to-Wyrm channels Kathy Williams, Wilhelm Nighthunter channels Sergei the Executioner, and Vinny Vincent channels Ashen Taylor. While Virus and Wilhelm put the smack down on the various Spirals, Vinny keeps the politics of the Garou Nation in check. You should gain most of your VPs through the Spirals, but you've got plenty of opportunity to earn points through Vinny's voting power.
Combat focuses primarily on the combat keywords Kick and Claw. This lets Virus suit up with Silver Claws and Steel-Toed Boots, then use her Insight to focus on one of the keywords. Wilhelm gets the gift Reason, so he can take advantage of frenzies from Sergei. Most of the other Sept cards manipulate Moots or give some sort of Combat benefit. Wrath of Gaia is in the deck to get rid of pesky Enemies who cause you problems. The Vegas Showgirls can act as a backup alpha with the other pair of Steel-Toed Boots. Dreams of the Past has an obvious use.
Be careful of failing to use Past Life abilities properly, as you've got a painful -9 worth of Renown ready to whack you if you screw up. There's a lot of story potential in this deck, in my opinion. This makes it suitable for any sort of story-driven game.
Courtesy of Little Bear's Lore
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