Type: Past Life | Renown: -3 |
Requires: Glass Walker | |
Text: Pre-Combat (In): Your opponent must discard a random Combat card, but he gains +2 Rage. If this Garou is killed, place this card in your Victory Pile. | |
Quote: | |
Phase: Equinox | Artist: William O'Connor |
Power: 14
As far as the three current Past Lives (as of Equinox) are concerned, this Past Life is perhaps the weakest. Kathy Williams provides a nice effect that could easily be put to good advantage with other hand-controlling effects. The side effect of offering 2 points of Rage to your opponent is certainly worth considering. That is, with intent to counteract it! The requirement of being a random card is much better than a plain discard, as you have a decent chance of getting rid of your opponent's best card (20% in a normal five card hand). Toss in other discard effects, and you could leave your opponent with a nearly empty hand, ripe for a Swipe.
Usability: 6
Not much by way of usability here, I'm afraid. You've pretty much only two Garou who can attach this card, and no appropriate Tribe card. You'll have to rely on cohorts or the Ahroun/Theurge tribe cards with either Virus-to-Wyrm or Dr. Lydia Tsien.
Limitations: 7
Holy Limited Card, Rageman! This card is a good example of an over-limited card. First, you pretty much have only one character that can effectively use it - Virus-to-Wyrm. This isn't to say you can attach it to the good Doctor Tsien, but it's pretty useless on someone who can't be alpha unless she's your last hope. The flexibility is lacking, for if Virus dies before you get the card out, it's discard fodder. Second, if you die while using it, you lose the standard 3 Renown for Past Lives. Third, to get the card discard effect, your opponent gains Rage. This could easily backfire and let your opponent play another high Rage card while discarding chaff. Fourth, it's a chase card in rarity, so it's not likely that you'll have extras to toss into your deck to ensure an early draw. While this card is playable (and thus the rating is as high as it is), there are way too many negative aspects in comparison to the value of the card's effects.
Decks: 15
Ouch, it's hard to come up with decks for this one, but I'm giving it a shot. First, build a Wyrm hunting deck with Virus-to-Wyrm. Focus the deck on combat keyword effects, like Steel-Toed Boots, Vegas Showgirls, Silver Claws, etc. You should be able to build up decent damage modifiers that can get past higher-end blocks. Another idea is to focus a deck around card control. Include effects that force your opponent to discard cards, and pepper lightly with attacks that are rather painful when they can't be blocked (since they're out of cards). Of course, include Swipe!
I've just put in the decks section of the site a deck focused on Past Lives to see how it works. The deck gels pretty well, with Virus playing a primary role. The deck attempts to boost keyword effects like above, but also works in some other Wyrm-hunting tricks, Insight, and the strengths of the other two Past Lives. Otherwise, the only other deck I can see using this is by using it with Lydia as a defensive card. She's not a bad Theurge for the cost, though weak in Combat. Use Lydia as Ritemaster, or toss on a bunch of gifts. Add in the Past Life as a detriment to challenge her, and she's one safe cookie. Yeah, I know it's a bit of a stretch, but it works somewhat well.
Flavor: 18
Normally, I enjoy William O'Connor's work. This time, however, it is way too dark for a foil card. It's difficult to make out the picture, though it is pretty clear who it is when you compare it against the Crinos side of Kathy's character card from the Wild West. In fact, I think the problem was converting this art into a foil card, not the art itself. As a standard card, the image probably would have worked better. This is the only area I deducted points in the section, however. The name is appropriate, since we saw Kathy as an Iron Rider earlier. It was great to see the tie-in through the Past Life.
No quote, but the larger font point takes up the room. I would have preferred a smaller font size and a short quote that reveals a little more of Kathy's role during the story, but perhaps smaller fonts don't work so hot on the Past Life foil technique. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt as a design decision. While I'm on the subject of the story, this was a great choice to include as a Past Life. Not only do we get to tie the Iron Riders to the Glass Walkers, but we emphasize Kathy Williams' part in the Storm Eater troubles. Maybe channeling Kathy Williams will give Virus-to-Wyrm insight into how to defeat the Wyrm?
In conclusion, the storyline value of this card is high. It makes a great addition to the Past Life set as someone we have seen in the previous phases. Unfortunately, this card gets my lowest score yet due to the weak card effect and limitations. If nothing else, this card should have linked the Glass Walkers to Iron Riders more in effect - the text for the various tribal tattoos would have been more than appropriate, seeing as how there are no Iron Rider Tattoos. I guess I'm just disappointed due to the potential this card had as a link to the past.
Little Bear's Lexicon - July 12, 1999, courtesy of Little Bear's Lore
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