Revision History

v1.32--08.23.2001: lbb
Dang. In one fell swoop, NBCi killed their free webhosting, and drops their free webmail. But the show must go on. Special thanks to Bif, the mastermind of Mistrunner (a dangcool free rpg), for graciously granting me space on the server, and a brand new email, I've got several month's worth of updates to do to the Screamsheets and Tournament pages, including my GenCon writeup, but to keep you occupied in the meantime, I've got a nifty set of house rules to make Rage: Apocalypse Battlefields more playable, courtesy of Nuit Shu Heru. Lurks

v1.31--03.08.2001: lbb
There's now a Rage: Apocalypse section in the Toybox, with the much-sought-after Datajack's Deck Builder. I've also got details on the upcoming Stones River Challenge III in the Tournament Page, and the deck listing of my Catchy Slogan deck in the Tribal War section. Lurks

v1.30--02.21.2001: lbb
My first big update for the new millenium. I gave the Toybox a working-over, to add Tournament results (including the recent Catchy Slogan 2001, with pictures), movie reviews, and any other resources for both the Rage CCG and the table-top game. Enjoy! Lurks

v1.23--11.18.2000: lbb
New section over at the Screamsheets, the Weaver Watch. Pointers to recent news stories that provide readymade plot hooks for Werewolf. Lurks

v1.22b--09.27.2000: lbb
Slight update over on the Screamsheets. It was getting a little long in the tooth, so I moved the older newsbits to an Archive page. I'll be heading back into the Deep Umbra for a few weeks again, so more updates will have to wait a bit, but I'll still be lurking about, as usual. Lurks

v1.22a--08.06.2000: lbb
Topped 500 hits! Apologies for the lack of updates around here. I just got back from several weeks overseas, and there has been a bit of news regarding Rage in the recent weeks. The Ghostdancer has been dancing with the ghost of Rage, keeping fan support going strong, and Azrael Productions has announced that they will be supporting Rage. For more information on these and other happenings, swing by the Screamsheets. I'll try to get in all the info before I head off for GenCon. Lurks

v1.22--04.09.2000: lbb
Updates scattered throughout, now that I'm somewhat recovered from the Stones River Challenge. That'll probably get its own page in the near future. For now, I've got Walks-With-Weaver's second-place deck over at the Toybox, and the tournament report from Dances With Shadows in the Screamsheets, along with Ethan Skemp's announcement of Werewolf Revised for December 2000. If that ain't enough, there's a brand spankin' new Guestbook for you to sign. Lurks

v1.21a--03.08.2000: lbb
A few updates over on the links page. Special thanks to Deke for finding the WW Rage rules and cardlist pages. Oh, yeah. Also added some links to a few good wolf information and preservation sites. I can't stress enough how important these organizations are to the continued well-being of our lupine brethren. Lurks

v1.21--02.12.2000: lbb
Joined the Caern of Enigmas webring. Lurks

v1.20--02.07.2000: lbb
Finally finished rehosting the Garou Nation archives. Special thanks to Elmeaux (Everette Herbert). Updated the Stones River Sept link to the Bawn. Lurks

v1.11--12.05.1999: lbb
Added the counter from UltimateCounter. Lurks

v1.10--10.20.1999: lbb
Opened a new section, The Screamsheets. In the vein of Rage Now, find the latest information on the state of Rage in the words of Ed Bolme, Dances-With-Shadows, and more. Also added the proposed RALV version of Dr. Stephen "Mindbender" Garrison to his employee records. Lurks

v1.00a--10.09.1999: lbb
With a heavy heart, I removed the link to Refuse's Rage Now page. Good luck to you, Ward. Also added the link to Matt Farney's official rulings. Lurks

v1.00--09.07.1999: lbb
Big update to Employees of Distinction--details for all the old WW Rage crew. The Toybox is also open, if a little sparse. That should be filling out a little more soon. Lurks

v0.95a--08.19.1999: lbb
Employees of Distinction now open. A smattering of little updates, some new links, and fixing some typos. The early reviews are in: Howls-Like-Chinook likes it! Lurks

v0.9--08.04.1999: lbb
The Caern is open for visitors. Pardon the digital dust, as things are still coming together. Not much flash, but content is going in place. Looks like our Employee listing (yeah, both of 'em) and The Toybox will have to wait until after GenCon. The S&P Archives are still a bit further down the road, but they're on their way. Lurks

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