Employees of Distinction

Business Merger He's a rebel and a runner
He's a signal turning green
He's a restless young romantic
Wants to run the big machine

-- New World Man, Rush

The Glass Walkers are fond of their Weaver toys and stock portfolios and laptops and such, but our true resources are still the Garou. We take careful note of our fellow Glass Walkers, learning their lessons and recording their praises. Our own silver record on CD, if you will.

Las Vegas Field Office
Snake Eyes: Rage Across Las Vegas

You know, I'm sure we've got more Garou than this here, but durned if we can place them. Things have been heating up in the Nevada desert, and our lack of representation disturbs me. Fortunately, our first few Garou are beginning to show up. With luck they may be able to discern where the other Glass Walkers in the area have disappeared to.

Dr. Lydia Tsien: Homid Theurge. A capable operative, the esteemed doctor left her cubs behind to infiltrate the medical community in search of answers.
Virus-To-Wyrm: Homid Ahroun. This tough operative just rode into town, scouting for our missing brethren. Whatever she finds, we trust she can handle it, having had much success battling the Wyrm.

Corporate Headquarters
WW Rage Basic Set

These wolves form our core personnel.

Roger Daly: Homid Theurge, Renown 8. A true professional in the ranks of the Glass Walkers, Roger holds mastery over the workings of technology.
Simon Gentle: Homid Theurge, Renown 6. Our predator on the city's social scene, hunting the dance halls and clubs of the social elite.
Song Chiang: Homid Galliard, Renown 7. Honest to a fault, Song can be counted on to seal a deal and fulfill it flawlessly.
Syntax: Homid Ragabash, Renown 2. This young cub has built a reputation in the hacker circles and has already notched a few Monkeywrenching operations in her belt. This operative has a strong future ahead of her.
Teeth-Of-Titanium: Lupus Ahroun, Renown 6. This poor beast was discovered as part of a twisted Pentex experiment. Our Theurges put him back as best they could, and now he is a formidable machine of destruction. Our "Six Million Dollar Wolf", so to speak.
Virus-To-Wyrm: Homid Ahroun, Renown 4. Tough as nails, Virus has recently been reassigned to the Las Vegas field office, to determine what has happened to the Glass Walker contingent there.

Project: Deep Cover
WW Rage Umbra Expansion

We have attempted to send Glass Walkers to a long-term assignment in the Umbra. Only one contact survives.

Dr. Stephen "Mindbender" Garrison: Homid Theurge, Renown 6. Extended exposure to the spirit world has taught the good doctor many of the hidden mysteries of the Penumbra. However, his last medical exam raised concerns about his mental stability.

Project: Corporate Raider
WW Rage Legacy of the Tribes Expansion

Some of the best wolves our tribe has to offer.

Grimm Brings-Blood: Metis Ahroun, Renown 6. A dedicated Garou coping with a difficult upbringing, and under medical advisement for mood swings. Recommend restricting him from contact with Silver Fangs.
Kelly Brounard: Homid Galliard, Renown 1. This cub has shown impressive resourcefulness in opening negotiations with the vampires of the city.
Roofwalker: Homid Philodox, Renown 8. An old-school Glass Walker, Roofwalker plays the games of city politics better than any. His boardroom battles with the leeches have brought great honor to his tribe.

Business Merger illustration by William O'Connor

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