Janne reports on the results of the Rage Across Helsinki tournament:
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 10:06:11 +0200 From: Janne Lönnqvist (lonkka@fantasiapelit.fi) To: ralvccg@azraelproductions.com Subject: Re: [Rage] 7th Gen dead? Hiya all! I finally managed to allocate my time so that we had our first Rage tournament, Rage Across Helsinki I, yesterday. Ha ha, who´s Da Man, now? Actually Thorwald, as Jere´s Get of Fenris -pack managed to elect him as the Leader of the Pack at least twice (and in the beginning of the game too). Having a definate date (First day of Winter, of course...) helped a lot. Anyways fun was had, although only 6 people were able to participate (because of the Holidays some had already gone "back home" to meet the Elders...). We played three games and a finale in ~5 hours. Most players had not played for a while, so we might´ve played little faster if people hadn´t been a bit rusty. In the end Petri "Orava" Wessman managed to triumph over Jere´s Get of Fenris -pack´s lead (and Juhani´s Shadow Lords -pack) and won the tournament with his Children of Gaia deck streamlined to lower the Umbra and kill the Wyrm. More details (decks etc.) than you can shake a Glaive at after the Holidays... Happy Holidays to everyone on the list (especially all the nice people I met while at GenCon)! Janne Lonnqvist
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 09:52:05 +0200 From: Janne Lönnqvist (lonkka@fantasiapelit.fi) To: ralvccg@azraelproductions.com Subject: Yadda yadda revisited Rage Across Helsinki results etc (apologies for repeating some of the stuff): wyrm kills/ (total points) points of round ROUND ONE: Janne (Wendigo) 10/22 Suvi (Ahroun) 13/13 Orava (Children of G) 10/11 WYRM 12 Samuli (Shadow Lords) 6/26 Jere (Get of Fenris) 2/18 Juhani (Wendigo) 5/5 WYRM 0 ROUND TWO: Orava (Children of G) 11/22 (21/33) Janne (Wendigo) 5/5 (15/27) Samuli (Shadow Lords) 0/5 (6/31) WYRM 1 Jere (Get of Fenris) 13/21 (15/39) Juhani (Wendigo) 12/12 (17/17) Suvi (Ahroun) 0/0 (13/13) WYRM 9 ROUND THREE: Jere (Get of Fenris) 23/23 (38/62) Orava (Children of G) 0/6 (21/39) Samuli (Shadow Lords) 0/10 (6/41) WYRM 0 Samuli´s Chameleon Spirit drops Thorvald! Juhani (Wendigo) 9/20 (26/37) Suvi (Ahroun) 4/6 (17/19) Janne (Wendigo) 0/11 (15/38) WYRM 1 FINALS Orava (Children of G) 0/28 (21/67) Jere (Get of Fenris) 0/0 (38/62) Samuli (Shadow Lords) 0/0 (6/41) WYRM 0 (total of 23 in all seven games) Percentage Number of Wyrm kills of wins SCORE: Orava (Children of G) (21/67) 31% 2 Jere (Get of Fenris) (38/62) 61% 2 Samuli (Shadow Lords) (6/41) 14% 1 Janne (Wendigo) (15/38) 39% 1 Juhani (Wendigo) (26/37) 70% 1 Suvi (Ahroun) (17/19) 89% 0 GLORY AWARD: Orava For most kills HONOR AWARD: Suvi For highest percentage of Wyrm kills WISDOM AWARD: Jere Voted among players. Actually Orava (ie. Petri "Orava" Wessman) was tied for the Wisdom Award, but as he already had one award, it was decided that Jere should be awarded. Reason for the award: Repeatedly attacked target #1 with determination, which also usually was Wyrm, again and again. Games that had Jere´s Gets (just the Thorvald & Gillian -duo) amd Juhani´s Wendigos didn´s take that long to play. However Janne´s Wendigo cubs and Orava´s Children of Gaias on the table meant at least double playtime. In the finals Orava´s Sharp Ears kills Jere´s Thorvald (who attacked Sharp Ears twice with Halt the Coward´s Flight) and after that kills Samuli´s Paint-your-Nightmares, that attacked badly wounded Sharp Ears after Thorvald, even though Samuli had repeatedly said that the Lord´s and Children would have to co-operate together against the Gets. Sharp Ears attacks Corrupted Blight Child, that turns out to be Samuli´s Janus behind a Mask of Imitation. This is to no avail, as thealmost mortaly wounded but incredibly spirited Sharp Ears kills Janus. In the next round Jere´s Gillian attacks Orava´s alpha (if I remember correctly, still Sharp Ears for some reason) who finishes the Get and thus wins the tournament beautifully with Go fo the Throat. As Orava said after the game: "Having insight of +4 to +5 rules!" Shadow Lords really got into character in the finals and managed to honor their traditions by getting the CLEARLY lowest percentage of Wyrm kills. Well done Samuli! Hssss! Hopefully other players besides Orava will send me their a list what was in their deck so I can post them here. Cheerio, janne
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