The foreshadowed letter announcing the death of the Garou Nation arrived today. The additional "goodies" vary from the earlier report.
April 28, 2000
Dear Garou Nation Member,
As a fellow Rage player, it pains me to inform you that a decision about the Garou Nation fan club has been finalized. We will cancel the program, and will not accept any new memberships.
Unfortunately, despite the fervent support of its loyal members like you, the continued support of the Rage TCG and its auxiliary programs (such as the Garou Nation) are not economically feasible at this time. I am most sorry to you all for the long delay in any official word on this matter, but I had continued hope that we would be able to continue Rage in the fashion you desire.
Enclosed with this letter is the first installment of items to show our appreciation for your support. We have included an errated version of Griff Murphy, the Venerable Cactus Spirit foil.
To get even more Rage goodies, mail this letter back to us with the form below no later than June 30th, 2000. We'll send you a Rage T-shirt (sorry XL only). If you're one of the first to renew you'll receive a set of Rage foil cards (Wyrm Wind, Vision Doll, Puxatawny Pat, High Squeal, Blue Moon, and Bane Flies). When those run out we'll give out a Rage tribal glyph pendant or necklace. And when we run out of those we'll give out a Rage uncut foil card sheet.
Thanks again for your support. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.
Garou Nation Redemption
P.O. Box 707
Renton, WA 98057-0707
Questions? Email <>.
Ryan Miller
Brand Manager, Rage TCG
Bitter news to swallow. There was, indeed, the reprinted Griff Murphy, and the elusive Venerable Cactus Spirit. No "form" was apparent, but Ryan clears that up in an email to the Rage mailing list:
Date: Mon, 01 May 2000 09:34:57 -0700 From: Ryan Miller ( To: Subject: Fwd: Rage Buyout letter Hey Gang, Sorry about the confusing letter. Below is the official word from the fanclub guru, Andy Hekt: Sorry, All you have to do is return the letter to us at Garou Nation Redemption P.O. Box 707 Renton, WA 98057-0707 U.S.A. Simple as that really. The form refers to this letter (sorry that really isn't clear even after 3 folks reading it over here.) What we are trying to do is confirm addresses before mailing a larger package. Andy
As to the absence of the six Equinox boosters that were previously mentioned:
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 09:59:19 -0700 From: Ryan Miller ( To: Subject: Re: nuther question about goodies writes: >First, thanks for the answer last time Matt. I'm on digest, so I didn't >get >all the info till the next day. > >Anyway, I didn't see it on the letter, but didn't Ryan say we would get >packs as well the other stuff? Is that still on? just wondering... I did, put the packs fell through. I am still trying to get them, and if I do, I will add them to the return package. Ryan
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