Looking through both the Origins and GenCon books, I saw no Rage tournaments. Or, for that matter, any Battletech CCG, Dune CCG, or Legend of the Black Sands. Vampire: the Eternal Struggle has apparently been given back to White Wolf, and Doomtown has gone back to AEG. With this announcement, is there any hope for Rage beyond the stellar fan-support of folks like Dances With Shadows?
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 15:30:52 -0700 From: Ryan MillerTo: rageinfo@frpg.com Subject: Rage My apologies for being so quiet on this list, and for taking so long to give you a straight answer on Rage's future. Unfortunately, it appears that Rage has no forseeable future. We have no plans to continue support for this game, as far as printing cards, or tournament support. We will maintain this list. The letter and goodies I have mentioned on previous posts will be shipping out this week. It is not much, especially after all you have been through with this game, but it is the best I can do. Thanks for playing and supporting this great game. Ryan
I've got a little more info on the "goodies" mentioned here. Wondering what to do with those Teeth you have painstakingly collected, now that the Garou Nation is dissolved?
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 14:56:35 -0700 From: Ryan MillerTo: rageinfo@frpg.com Subject: Re(2): Re(2): Rage rageinfo@frpg.com writes: >But are teeth still redeemable for other FRPG game product? Last I heard, >teeth=koku=spice=ghostrock=etc. I do play L5R, and would like to still be >able to redeem teeth for some of that stuff, as I am new to L5R. No problem, Teeth are redeemable for anything but Rage product, as I am sending all that product to the Garou Nation players. Until the end of the year, you can redeem your teeth for L5R stuff. The only exception is ghost rock, which is only redeemable until june 1 of this year. Ryan
Curious about the fate of that vaporous planned next expansion, Vegas Edition? Ryan responds:
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 09:19:45 -0700 From: Ryan MillerTo: JasoMac@aol.com Cc: rageinfo@frpg.com Subject: Re: (RYAN) Regarding the set that never was JasoMac@aol.com writes: >On that same idea, what about the next set that will now never be >released? I >still have copies of all the playtest cards that were supposed to go into >the >next set or two from when there was still playtesting going on, as I >imagine >others do as well. Are we allowed to do anything with those? I am currently looking into the possibility of posting the card frames and a text spoiler of the set that was never released. I will let you know as soon as I find out. Ryan
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