Nothing that can't be found other places, but Bruce breaks it down pretty nice. If you're looking for other things that are on the way for your favorite corner of the World of Darkness, check out the Coming Attractions FAQ, put out by those nice people over at Ex Libris Nocturnis.

Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2000 00:22:36 EST
From: B Armor (BArmor9292@AOL.COM)
To: Discussion of White Wolf's World of Darkness (WEREWOLF-L@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM)
Subject: Re: The Year of Revelations

    In a message dated 3/13/00 11:48:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,
    kdmarqua@MTU.EDU writes:

    > Just a quick question.. i was wondering, exactly is in store for the
    >  werewolf series in the Year of Revelations? any idea what books are going
    >  to be for it? I had some idea what was in store last year, but this year,
    >  well i guess you could say there is a lack of Hype and i have no idea what
    >  to expect this year.

    For Werewolf:

    A World of Rage (coming out sometime after June)
    An update on all of the various Rage Across settings (New York, the Amazon,
    Vancouver, Australia, etc.) and other areas (India, China, Europe, Africa) in
    light of events from The Silver Record, Mokole, Bastet, the 2nd ed Players
    Guide, and other books.

    For Vampire:

    Nights of Prophecy (on sale the week of March 20)
    Dealing with the death of Baba Yaga, the Cathayan invasion of LA, the arrival
    of the Hunters, the return of the Succubus Club, and something incredibly
    cool that will get me beaten with a stick if I talk about it.

    For Mage:

    Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition (on sale now)

    The Bitter Road (on sale the week of April 17)
    Something of a players and ST's guide, which establishes the PCs as part of
    the new leadership in Mage society (as well as a lot of other things)

    Blood Treachery (sometime after June)
    Dealing with the rather tumultuous relationship between mages and murderous
    blooddrinking corpses.

    For Hunter:

    Hunter Apocrypha (sometime after June)

    For Dark Ages

    The House of Tremere

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